Reaching Policy Makers
Duration: 4:50
Worldwide, Non-Communicable Diseases or NCDs kill thirty eight million people a year.
They are fast becoming the most important cause of ill health that both the developed and the developing world have to face.
There is now good evidence to show that palliative care produces better health outcomes in terms of quality of life, and patient and caregiver satisfaction, with reduction of use of unwanted or ineffective medical interventions, and intensive care.
Does your country have a national strategy to develop palliative care services for cancer and other NCDs?
Every citizen in your country deserves to have access to palliative care if and when he needs it.
What can we do about this?
World Health Assembly resolution 67.19.
Strengthening of palliative care as a component of comprehensive care throughout the life course.
WHO resource on Planning and Implementing palliative care services.
Examples of national palliative care strategies:
Australia , India , Scotland , Switzerland , Singapore.

Developing Palliative Care in Asia - Short Film
More than half of all patients with cancer experience pain. In advanced disease, close to two thirds of patients report pain, about half of whom suffer pain of moderate-to-severe intensity. If cancer pain is not adequately treated, it can have devastating consequences that affect the quality of life of patients and their families. Palliative care improves the lives of patients and their families. Watch ‘Life asked Death’ now and learn how palliative care services can be developed in ALL countries.